Birth Locations in Munich

There are many options when it comes to where you can give birth in Munich. Because Germany has a midwife-led birthing system, your birth will be supported by midwives either in a clinic or hospital, at a birth center, or for a homebirth. The level of medical care provided by obstetricians and pediatricians will vary depending on location.

The most important thing when choosing a location for birth is not how close it is to you, it's how it aligns with what you expect for your birth experience.

Here I have created a short overview of each location.

Get more insights from an experienced Munich birth doula

I have supported over 80 births in Munich, gaining experience in all ten clinics in Munich and in many clinics in the surrounding areas.

If you want to learn more details about differences between the birth clinics and centers, including how to find the right fit you, read my blog post "Tips for Choosing Where to Give Birth in Munich".

You can also schedule a one-hour Munich birth clinic consultation with me so I can help you find the location that will be the best fit for you.

Birth Clinics in Munich

Midwife-led Birth Centers (Gehäuser) in Munich

Birth Clinics near Munich